Adult in-patient unit Luton
The adult-in-patient unit is a purpose built and comprehensively staffed unit of eight bedrooms with an emphasis on homely surroundings.
Opened in 2009 it is fully accessible and provides care for patients whose distressing symptoms and other complex needs are not readily relieved in the home or other care setting.
Its focus is on symptom control, psychological support and end of life care. The patients’ needs determine the length of stay. Staff use an evidence-based assessment model to plan care that is individually tailored to the needs of the patient and the family.
All patients receive a medical and nursing assessment on admission, during which we will identify and agree with the patient what their treatment aims are.
Make a referralTrained clinicians, who specialise in palliative care and palliative care support workers (PCSW) provide care, supported by specialise doctors, social workers, therapists, bereavement care staff and trained volunteers.
Accommodation is provided in eight single rooms (all ensuite), designed to look as relaxing and homely as possible, while all nursing and medical equipment is discretely available to provide a high standard of specialist care with a high staff-to-patient ratio.
There is family accommodation within the adult unit to enable overnight stays.

Take a tour of our Luton site
Take our 360° tour and see beyond the entrance doors of our Luton hospice. Simply click on the video to get started.
If you aren’t familiar with our Luton sites and want to visit the hospice in person, our team would be delighted to show you around and answer any questions. Simply call us on 01582 492339 or email us at letmehelp@keech.org.uk
Contact us
Wellbeing Centre Luton
Our fully accessible wellbeing centre works alongside patients with a progressive palliative diagnosis to understand their needs and support them to achieve their goals so that they can live well and independently.
Our specialist multi-disciplinary care team put patients at the centre of everything we do. The earlier a patient is referred to us, the better we can support them. While attending, the patient remains under the care of their GP and community nursing team.
Our specialist team comprises specialist doctors and nurses, palliative care support workers (PCSW), therapists (including complementary, art, music, rehabilitation etc.) emotional support practitioners and social workers. Chaplaincy support is available to patients and families of any faith or cultural background.
Patients and families benefit from a personalised package of care and support which is delivered both virtually, in the community and within the centre.
Support for families and carers
Living Well Centre Bedford
Our fully adapted site in the town centre provides accessible outpatient and day services.
Patients, and their families, benefit from a personalised package of care and support which is delivered onsite.
We offer an extensive holistic assessment, considering all aspects of the patient’s life and then in discussion with the patient, understand what matters to them, developing a programme of support that meets their needs.
The team on the Bedford site work closely with the other providers of palliative care services in Bedford Borough.

My Care Co-ordination team
Based at the hospice in Luton the My Care Co-ordination Team (MCCT) provides a single point of access for professionals, patients and families/carers.
MCCT works with Bedfordshire Hospital NHS Trust, GPs, community nursing teams and social care providers to ensure patients receive the support they need and that care packages respond to any changes in patients’ needs.
There is also a team of Palliative Care Support Workers working alongside the MCCT. They provide support for patients and their families in the community in Luton and South Bedfordshire.
They offer:
- Crisis support
- Emotional support
- Personal Care
- Discharge visits and phone calls
- Medication collections
MCCT also offer telephone advice and support within their scope of expertise through the Adult Care Advice Line. They signpost to other services as needed. The team are available Daily form 9am-5pm (8am on weekdays) and the in-patient unit provides support outside hours.
Adult Care Advice Line
Looking for help or support for a patient. Call our FREE Care Advice Line anytime on:
0808 1807 788

Inclusive Health Service
The Inclusive Health Service is a nurse specialist led outreach service which helps to support the homeless community living with life limiting conditions.
Any patient may be referred to the service who currently does not have a place to live permanently and/or may be living in temporary accommodation and is living with a condition that is no longer curable.
This service provides holistic assessments face to face in the community, advice and support over the telephone, emotional and spiritual support, help with symptom management and advice on how to live well with condition. The service helps link in with other key professionals and signposts to other relevant services.
The service is available from Monday to Friday between 8am-4pm.
Quality of Care
Our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who are responsible for regulating and inspecting voluntary and private health care organisations.