Make a Donation

You’re doing something amazing!

By supporting us, you’re helping adults in Bedfordshire and Children in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes with life-limiting conditions.

Your support will ensure Keech is there for you and your family in the future.

Granddaughter Hugging Grandad

If you experience any issues while making your donation, our Supporter Relations team is here to help. Call us on 01582 707940 or email, and we’ll be happy to assist you or take your payment.

Help us continue our care


Could help a family meet and talk with others who also have a relative with a life-limiting condition, providing emotional support and shared understanding.


Could support a child with a life-limiting condition to play and enjoy themselves in a safe, caring environment, bringing joy and respite to the family.


Could pay for a session of music therapy, helping patients and loved ones communicate difficult thoughts and emotions without words.

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(Min donation £2.00)
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From day one, Keech has been a place of understanding and warmth."
Keech gave us a safe place to play and the chance to just be a family
Read Amelia's story
For us, Keech is a lifeline. It’s not just the care, it’s the community and moments that mean everything.."
When Breanna’s mum reached out through a self-referral, we were able to put in place the support the family needed.
Read Breanna's story
David’s Story
Keech isn’t just about dealing with death; they help us live well, making every moment matter for as long as we have.
Read David's story
I quickly learned Keech is a place for life. Not just the end."
We helped Zebby’s dad connect with other dads, feel heard and find a place to share his feelings
Read Zebby's story
Robin’s story
The connections we’ve made at Keech have turned strangers into family, people who truly understand and support us.
Read Robin's story
Keech’s support was a light in a very dark time."
We helped Martin to find joy again after his wife Gerry died
Read Heather and Martin's story