School and Community Group partners

At Keech we rely on the support of our community. Whether you belong to a rotary club, school, sports club, a religious community, or any other group, you can help us to create an impact.

Last year our community partners raised over £100,000 pounds to support our patients, their families and loved ones.

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Partner and support

Work with us to organise fundraising events, educational activities, and charity challenges that engage, inspire and bring our community together to make the difference when it matters most.

From working with Keech in partnership to raise awareness of the work we do and the communities we support, to ensuring we secure the valuable funds we need to continue to deliver our care.

Your support helps us provide vital care and assistance to our patients and their families. Together, we can make the difference.

How to get involved

There are lots of ways to for your group or school to support us and promote the work of the hospice.

If you would like to partner with us, we would love to hear from you. Call us on 01582 707940.

Raise funds by organising an event

Volunteer your groups time

Share your support for Keech on social media and in the community

Place one of our collection tins in a prominent place and ask your members to contribute

Invite us to an event or meeting to discuss our work with your group or school

Enter a team in an upcoming Keech event

Fundraising Guide

Whatever way you choose to support us, we’re here to help you succeed. We’ve got plenty of inspiring ideas, but we also love seeing schools add their own twist or come up with something new. Our fundraising guide is full of tips to get you started – and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

Download our guide
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Raising awareness of Hospice Care

Our award-winning Compassionate Communities team are here to encourage, facilitate, support and care for one another and build resilience within the community to talk about death and dying by providing people with the skills and confidence to do so.

We also recognise that in the South Asian community hospice care can be challenging, as it can sometimes be considered unacceptable that someone outside the family should provide this care.

As a result, many people who would greatly benefit from receiving hospice care, simply aren’t. We, therefore, have a dedicated community connector working directly with our South Asian community

If you would like to find out more, to visit the hospice or for us to visit your organisation or group, please do get in touch.

Call us on 01582 201768 or email us at

Keech’s support was a light in a very dark time."
We helped Martin to find joy again after his wife Gerry died
Read Heather and Martin's story
From day one, Keech has been a place of understanding and warmth."
Keech gave us a safe place to play and the chance to just be a family
Read Amelia's story
I quickly learned Keech is a place for life. Not just the end."
We helped Zebby’s dad connect with other dads, feel heard and find a place to share his feelings
Read Zebby's story
For us, Keech is a lifeline. It’s not just the care; it’s the community and moments that mean everything.."
When Breanna’s mum reached out through a self-referral, we were able to put in place the support the family needed
Read Breanna's story