Wellbeing, therapy and practical support

Our multi-disciplinary team are here to help you to live well from diagnosis.

Central to this is our holistic approach to your care. Our range of outpatient, rehabilitation and day services based at our Luton and Bedford sites offer support with health and wellbeing and practical support for you, your family and loved ones.

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Focused on your wellbeing

At Keech Hospice we offer a range of services to help you and your loved ones physically. practically and emotionally.

All these services are FREE of charge as part of your wider programme of care. They form part of a personalised package of care and support delivered virtually, in the community and at our Wellbeing Centre in Luton and our Living Well Centre in Bedford.

The practical and emotional support available also includes creative and therapeutic activities, all of which are designed to enable you to live the best life you can.

Our services

We offer a wide range of services for our patients and their loved ones, these include:

Music and art therapy

Music and art therapy can help to express feelings and communicate issues that may be difficult or confusing, or are hard to put into words.

Working with a fully trained therapist these therapies can help you to:

  • Think about loss
  • Explore experiences and change
  • Be creative
  • Improve your ability to cope
  • Increase feelings of wellbeing

You don’t need to play an instrument or be good at art to take part.

Complementary therapies

These therapies can help reduce stress and anxiety, manage symptoms, alleviate the side effects of treatments and improve sleep. These include massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and reiki. As well as mindfulness techniques.

Hydrotherapy Pool

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Our pool is carefully designed to cater for all ages and disabilities.

Heated to 35 degrees it provides a safe warm environment to help relieve stress, aid poor circulation and muscle pain and inflammation.

Based at our Luton hospice it has hoists, ramps and disabled changing rooms to ensure access for all and features special sensory equipment including underwater lights and music as well as water fountains.

The pool is managed by a senior lifeguard and the air temperature is kept warmer than usual to ensure you don’t feel cold when getting out of the water.


Our occupational and physiotherapy teams work with our patients to improve mobility and strength, undertake cognitive assessments and advise on managing day to day tasks.

A number of regular groups are also available to join to aid your rehabilitation such as gardening, walking, stretch and balance classes, circuits and aqua therapy at our hydrotherapy pool.

Spiritual Care

Our Chaplin leads a multi-faith spiritual care volunteer team, who are there to offer prayer and support to patients and their families.

Bereavement and pre-bereavement support

We offer a range of bereavement services to the loved ones of our patients. Find out more

Health and wellbeing sessions - Bedford

Our Living Well Centre in Bedford offers weekly group programmes to support you maximise your wellbeing and provide time with others in similar situations.

Family support

Our family emotional support practitioners and counsellors offer talking support to you and your family, including children. To help you cope better with your situation and feel more prepared.

Social work

Specialist Social Work

Our specialist palliative care social work team is made up of children’s and adults’ social workers and social work assistants, specialising in the psychosocial aspects of palliative and end of life care. Our team can offer a wide variety of support to both the person directly affected by a life limiting condition, and those who are important to them. We do this by providing a wide range of emotional and practical support as part of the wider multi-disciplinary team.

We will help you to navigate the various services and practicalities of what you need, whilst supporting you emotionally. We will seek to understand, and advocate for what is important to you, and how this impacts the type of care that you need.

Some of the support we offer:

  • Advocacy
  • Patient & carer social groups and events
  • Carers support including 1-1 and groups
  • Sourcing care and practical support at home, including discharge planning
  • Advice and support around finance / employment / benefits and housing
  • Direct work around memory making, including ‘Stories for Life’
  • Applying for grants / memory making wishes & events
  • Liaison with and supporting you to access and navigate external services including local authority social services and care providers
  • Working with schools & employers
  • Direct work around advance care planning including advice around lasting power of attorney, deputyship, Will writing and information regarding funerals and after death processes
  • Leading on safeguarding and welfare issues including mental capacity and deprivation of liberty safeguards.



Adult Care Advice Line

Looking for help or support for you or a loved one. Call our FREE Care Advice Line anytime on

0808 1807 788

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Our Wellbeing centres

Our two dedicated sites in Luton and Bedford offer a welcoming and supported range of day and outpatient services for our adult patients, their families and loved ones.

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Wellbeing Centre – Luton

Our specialist Wellbeing centre in Luton brings all our therapy and rehabilitation services under one roof.

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Living Well Centre – Bedford

Our fully adapted site in the town centre provides accessible outpatient and day services.

Looking for support for you or a loved one

If you or a loved one have a life-limiting illness, we are here to offer you FREE medical, physical, practical and emotional care and support. We’d love to hear from you.

Call Us

Call our FREE Adults Care Advice Line anytime on 0808 1807 788

Refer yourself or a loved one

Just complete a simple referral form and our team will be in touch to discuss how we can support you.

Make a referral

Speak with your care provider

Talk with your care provider to discuss a possible referral to Keech Hospice.

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Access our befriending service

Compassionate Neighbours are a network of people who offer their time, companionship, and support to people living in the Luton area. Compassionate Neighbours help others by:

  • Offering companionship, emotional and practical support and a listening ear
  • Helping you to stay connected to your friends and the community
  • Directing you to important support services
Find out more
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I quickly learned Keech is a place for life. Not just the end
We helped Zebby’s dad connect with other dads, feel heard and find a place to share his feelings
Read Zebby's story
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Planning Ahead

Serious illness and ageing bring challenges many of us prefer to avoid thinking about.

One of the best ways to ensure your family and loved ones are supported when you are no longer there is to make a will, providing a clear plan and guidance for your friends and family. Yet two-thirds of us don’t have an up to date one in place.

To support you and provide that piece of mind, we have partnered with Octopus Legacy to provide a FREE will service to guide you through step by step.

Find out more