Care at home

Most of our patients choose to be cared for in the comfort of their own home and we are here to help you do that wherever possible.

Through our specialist community services team and our 24-hour telephone Care Advice Line, we ensure, that your child can receive vital care and advice where you need it most.

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What to expect

When we receive your referral, we will call you to arrange for one of our team to visit you at home.

During this conversation, we will review your medications, discuss any symptoms your child may be experiencing, talk to family, friends and carers if they’re around, and make a plan for your child’s care with you.

The team will also be involved in liaising with other agencies involved in your child’s care, and giving advice and information relating to the child’s condition, their care or social welfare.

Our 24-hour care advice line offers access to coordinators and qualified nurses for advice, reassurance, and personalised practical support whenever you need it.

Your care journey is unique, and at Keech Hospice, we’re dedicated to ensuring that your family feel supported every step of the way.

Community Services

The care offered by our Children’s Symptom Management Service and varies according to each individual family’s needs and is provided both virtually and in person

This support may include

  • Symptom management
  • Administering mediation, treatment or therapies
  • Providing practical and emotional support to the whole family
  • Accompanying the family on hospital appointments
  • Liaising with other agencies involved in your child’s care
  • Giving advice and information about your child’s care or social welfare
  • End of life care

Looking for support for your child or a loved one

Looking for help or support for your child or a loved one, with a life-limiting illness, we are here to offer FREE medical, physical, practical and emotional care and support for them. We’d love to hear from you.

Call us

Call our FREE Children’s Care Advice Line anytime on 0800 0356 497

Refer a loved one

Just complete a simple referral form and our team will be in touch to discuss how we can support.


Speak with your care provider

Talk with your care provider to discuss a possible referral to Keech

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Support for carers and families

We also offer a range of supportive groups, courses and activities to all members of the community, that aim to provide a supportive and friendly atmosphere to explore your experiences as a family and friendship group.

Our groups are online and in person. They are also a mix of drop in and bookable.

Find out more
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David’s Story
Keech isn’t just about dealing with death; they help us live well, making every moment matter for as long as we have.
Read David's story