Children and young people’s services

Our children’s service provides FREE specialist palliative care for babies, children and young people who have a life-limiting condition and live within Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire or Milton Keynes.

The service is available to them up to their 19th birthday. Services offered to the child and their family is tailored to their individualised needs following a holistic assessment.

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Children’s in-patient unit Luton

The children’s in-patient unit is a purpose-built unit which opened in 2000. Children are admitted for end-of-life care, symptom management, step-down from hospital, crisis stays or short breaks.

There are three single occupancy bedrooms and one double occupancy bedroom for siblings. It is fully accessible for wheelchair users and those with disabilities.

Facilities at the hospice include a hydrotherapy pool, multisensory room, computer area, safe play area and outdoor play areas.

Relatives, friends and health care professionals can visit the child at all times, during which we will identify and agree with the patient and their family what their treatment aims are.

There is family accommodation within the adult unit that families are welcome to use if they would like to stay overnight.

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Play and activity services

Our play and activity services provide specialised play and educational activities for children of all ages.

Specialist play sessions are offered on a short-term, outcome related basis, and are available as sessions or a course. These sessions are offered virtually, at home, or within our day area.

For children there are also several support groups and activities available. These include a Tots and Toys (pre-school group), High 5’s a stay and play group for over 5’s held in school holidays, a Youth Group and activity led group for young people aged 11-19 years above, and groups for children and young people with a range of specific conditions e.g. neuromuscular conditions, oncology diagnosis etc.

Additional drop-in sessions take place twice a week in Luton throughout the year at various venues throughout the geographical area covered.

The specialist palliative care provided includes helping to control the child’s symptoms, giving them access to a range of complementary therapies, and providing emotional support for both the child and their family.

Take a tour of our Luton site

Take our 360° tour, and see beyond the entrance doors of our Luton hospice. Simply click on the video to get started

If you aren’t familiar with our Luton sites and want to visit the hospice in person, our team would be delighted to show you around and answer any questions. Simply call us on 01582 492339 or email us at

Contact us

Children’s community services

The care offered by the community service varies according to each family’s individual needs and is provided both virtually and in person.

Typically, it will include:

  • Symptom management
  • Administering medication, treatment or therapy
  • Providing practical and emotional support to the whole family
  • Accompanying the family on hospital appointments
  • Liaising with other agencies involved in the child’s care
  • Giving advice and information about the child’s condition, their care or social welfare
  • End of life care.
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Children and Young People’s Care Advice Line

Looking for help or support, call our FREE Care Advice Line anytime on

0800 035 6497

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Quality of Care

Our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who are responsible for regulating and inspecting voluntary and private health care organisations.

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