Make a Referral

If you are a medical professional and would like to refer a patient, please download, complete and return the relevant form below.

The earlier we see patients who have been diagnosed with a progressive life-limiting condition, the better the outcome for the patient and their families.

Smiling Nurse with Elderly Patient
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Our Catchment Area

We welcome referrals for patients at any stage of their illness, so we can support them and their families and friends for as long as possible. 

We support adults whose GP surgery falls in Bedfordshire and children and young people (and their families) whose GP surgery falls in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes.

Refer an Adult

Please complete the adult services referral form and return to

If your enquiry is urgent, or you would like to speak to a member of our care team please call our free Adult Care Advice Line on 0808 1807 788

Download adult form
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Refer a Child

Please complete the children’s referral form and return to

If your enquiry is urgent, or you would like to speak to a member of our care team please call our Children’s team on 01582 497871.

Download child form
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Nurse with Elderly Male Patient
We’re committed to empowering health and social care professionals to deliver compassionate, high-quality care
Tracy Plunkett, Head of Learning Development & Research
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