Visiting patients during Covid-19 – January 2021

Published on 13th January 2021
Keech Hospice Visitors Welcome Sign

Our priority is always the health and wellbeing of our patients and their families, staff and volunteers.

With the continuing coronavirus situation across the UK, we are taking further precautions so we can maintain our care services. We believe the actions we are taking will give us the very best chance of achieving this and ensure we can help as many people as possible in the coming weeks. For this reason, we are changing our patient visitor regulations to:

Visiting adult patients

• Two visitors per patient per day who are able to visit for up to two hours.
• Visitors must be immediate family or close friends, from the same household.
• Visits must be between the hours of 10am and 4pm (with the exception of key workers, who are able to visit in the evening if they aren’t able to visit between 10am and 4pm)
• On arrival, all visitors will need to have their temperature checked and be asked to complete a lateral flow test.
• During their visit, all visitors must follow the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand washing guidance.
• Visiting times for end-of-life patients (including overnight stays) will be at the discretion of the senior nurse on duty.
• All visitors must remain in the patient’s bedroom throughout the duration of their visit.
• Visitors must be well and not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Visiting child patients

• Two visitors per patient per day and able to visit for up to two hours.
• Visitors must be immediate family or close friends, from the same household.
• Visits can be at any time, with evening visits arranged in advance with the senior nurse on duty.
• One parents per night is able to stay overnight with their child.
• On arrival, all visitors will need to have their temperature checked and be asked to complete a lateral flow test.
• During their visit, all visitors must follow the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and hand washing guidance.
• Visiting times for end-of-life patients (including overnight stays) will be at the discretion of the senior nurse on duty.
• All visitors must remain in the patient’s bedroom throughout the duration of their visit.
• Visitors must be well and not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and patience throughout this ongoing situation. Please look out for continued updates at, on our social media channels and via email.
For the latest updates on coronavirus, visit