A care team at a Luton hospice have become overnight social media stars by revealing the top ten best ways to die.
The care staff at Keech Hospice Care, the adult and children’s hospice in Luton, has racked up more than thirty thousand views across social media, with stars including Emma Wiggs, MBE, double Paralympic gold medal winner and nine-time World Champion paracanoeist showing her support.
“The difficult conversations are often the most rewarding and this is such an important conversation. The people at Keech Hospice Care are just the right people to start it,” Emma said.
Karen Hibbert, Compassionate Communities Coordinator at Keech Hospice Care, said deaths still a taboo subject but facing it head-on throws open a conversation people often find difficult to have.
“At Keech, we’re there from the first day someone is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and our free care supports people for many years to live life to the full. Inevitably though, death comes to us all but it’s still a conversation many people just aren’t dying to have!” said Karen.
“For many of us death may be years away, yet death is the one thing in life guaranteed we all have in common. We promise talking about death isn’t going to hurt you, but it might just get you thinking and make life easier for you and your loved ones in the future. So, at Keech, we thought, why not help everyone and so we came up with the top ten best ways to die.
When creating The Top Ten Best Ways to Die, the nurses came up with encouraging people to think about more modern concerns like a digital legacy, as well as how to store a lifetime of memories, getting the best care support early on, and creating a soundtrack of life.
The Blog post on Keech Hospice Care’s website (www.keech.org.uk/die) and also the charity’s Facebook and Twitter pages has already received hundreds of views.
Elaine Tolliday, Clinical Director and Deputy CEO at Keech Hospice Care, said, the pandemic has created even more need for these kinds of conversations to take place.
“I’m proud to see us leading the way and facing the subject of death like this. Talking about death doesn’t bring death closer. It’s about planning for life. Without talking and understanding, a life-limiting illness can be a lonely and stressful experience, both for the person who is dying and for their friends and family,” she said.
“Right now, we know that some people are dying without the support they need or any plans in place. Since the start of the pandemic, it’s estimated that almost 67,000 people have died at home without access to specialist care. That’s why at Keech Hospice Care, as part of Dying Matters Week, we’re asking everyone to plan ahead and give some thought to such an important subject that affects every one of us so, when the time does come, everyone dies #InAGoodPlace – whoever and wherever they are,” Elaine said.www.keech.org.uk/die
To view Keech Hospice Care’s Ten Best Ways to die, visitFor interviews or further information contact Lorna Chinnock, Head of Marketing and Communications, Keech Hospice Care on 07824606856 or at lchinnock@keech.org.uk.
Notes to Editor:
Dying Matters Week is a national campaign that runs from 2 to 8 May 2020. The year’s theme is #InAGoodPlace. Statistics quoted in this release are from dyingmatters.org.ukAbout Keech Hospice Care: Keech Hospice Care believes no one should have to face a life-limiting or terminal illness alone. It provides free specialist care care for children from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes and adults from Luton and Bedfordshire with progressive, life-limiting conditions from diagnosis up until the end of their life. If you’ve been diagnosed with a life-limiting condition, Keech can help right now. Our services are all FREE. Just call our FREEPHONE number 0808 175 0810 or visit www.keech.org.uk/refer. At Keech Hospice Care, we’re experts in helping people to live well for many years from the day they’re diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, we’re also experts in making sure you have a good death.
If additional images to the Blog Post are required, please contact Lorna Chinnock, Head of Marketing and Communications.