ReSPECT Awareness
ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment. It was developed by th...
Course content
ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment. It was developed by the Resuscitation Council, is a national initiative fitting into Advance Care Planning conversations, and encompasses person centred care. The ReSPECT process creates personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care and treatment in a future emergency if they are unable to make or express choices. These recommendations are created through conversations between the person, their families, and their health and care professionals to understand what matters to them, and what is realistic in terms of their care and treatment. Why do I need this awareness training? ReSPECT is being used for the first time by the Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, from the end of March. Any health professional across BLMK could potentially be looking after a patient, discharged from the Trust with a ReSPECT document, and it is important that you know what it is and what it means. This half hour session will explain the process, the documentation and the important things you need to know to care for your patient appropriately. The awareness session will be repeated weekly, at differing days and times, to facilitate maximum availability for staff across BLMK. It is provided free of charge by a specialist palliative and end of life care educator.Who is it for
All health and social care staff.Location
virtualSome of our courses are virtual, so it’s important that you use an appropriate device with a working camera and microphone (tablet, laptop or PC, not a mobile phone) to ensure you get as much from the session as possible. Consider using a space with good lighting and ensure your camera is switched on.
FreeDates and Registration
Each evening masterclass will offer exposure to key areas and themes of interest surrounding palliat...
Course content
Each evening masterclass will offer exposure to key areas and themes of interest surrounding palliative and of end-of-life care with each one being delivered by a valued and expert speaker. Each morning masterclass will be delivered by experts by experience and relate to the previous evening masterclass. Our website will be regularly updated with details of future masterclasses.Who is it for
Masterclasses are aimed at senior healthcare professionals across the health sector who wish to learn more around specific key areas.Cost
FREEDates and Registration
Inclusive Health Series
A series related to inequalities and inequity within palliative care. The main focus is to highli...
Course content
A series related to inequalities and inequity within palliative care. The main focus is to highlight many lesser taught and misunderstood areas in care that require addressing when providing care for patients and relatives who are living with a life limiting condition.Who is it for
Any health care professional or non-care professionals wishing to expand knowledge and awareness within these areas of need.Cost
FreeDates and Registration
Signs and symptoms of Cancer and Oncology and Palliative Emergencies
Oncology Series. To have a greater understanding of treatments and pathways and the patient journey...
Course content
Oncology Series. To have a greater understanding of treatments and pathways and the patient journey. Increase in knowledge for oncological and palliative care emergencies.Who is it for
Any healthcare professional or member of the public who wishes to learn ways of coping with difficulties.Location
virtualSome of our courses are virtual, so it’s important that you use an appropriate device with a working camera and microphone (tablet, laptop or PC, not a mobile phone) to ensure you get as much from the session as possible. Consider using a space with good lighting and ensure your camera is switched on.
FREEDates and Registration
Stepping Back from the Edge
Managing stress and building resilience. Managing stress and our own wellbeing can be challenging e...
Course content
Managing stress and building resilience. Managing stress and our own wellbeing can be challenging especially in palliative and end-of-life care, therefore with this in mind, this workshop will aim to offer some support and advice that will be helpful for your overall wellbeing. Learn strategies and ways of managing yourself and how to cope in difficult situations.Who is it for
Any healthcare professional or member of the public in the Luton, Bedfordshire, and Milton Keynes areas.Location
virtualSome of our courses are virtual, so it’s important that you use an appropriate device with a working camera and microphone (tablet, laptop or PC, not a mobile phone) to ensure you get as much from the session as possible. Consider using a space with good lighting and ensure your camera is switched on.