For Healthcare Professionals

We provide FREE specialist palliative and end-of-life care for people of all ages from the moment they are diagnosed.

We support adults whose GP surgery falls in Bedfordshire. Children and their families whose GP surgery falls in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Milton Keynes.

As a teaching hospice we also provide a range of palliative care training, education and communities of practice.

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Our offer

We are here for patients with all progressive life-limiting illnesses, such as cancer, non-malignant disease and people living with frailty.

We help patients and their families, from the moment of diagnosis. Working in partnership with their other healthcare providers.

The earlier we can see patients who have been diagnosed with a progressive life-limiting illness, we believe, the better the outcome for the patient and their families.

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For Healthcare Professionals

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Our services

Care and support can be provided in the patient’s own home, as an outpatient in our day services, or in our purpose built inpatient units.

We offer a well-co-ordinated, multi-professional and ‘seamless’ service, which integrates hospice specialist palliative care services with primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services, other voluntary / independent agencies, social services and in the case of children and young people, education services.

Or approach will be non-judgemental and non-discriminatory, ensuring equal access for all. We consider it equally important to give support to those who care for our patients. We work with our communities to develop resilience at end of life and beyond.

We aim to use our expertise to benefit the community we serve, building a compassionate community. This includes promoting conversations about death dying and loss within communities, so normalising the process and helping people to communicate their wishes.

Download our Statement of Purpose

Transition management

As one of only a handful of all age hospices we are specialists in transition, ensuring our young patients are fully prepared and equipped to move from children’s to adult services.

Working with adult hospice service providers in Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes, where needed, to deliver seamless continuity of care.

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Education and Training

For professionals who need to deliver palliative and end of life care, we are experts in sharing knowledge and best practice.

As well as delivering engaging, practical courses, we
collaborate with higher education partners to deliver research projects and inspiring placement opportunities. In this way, we are able to share developments at the cutting edge of care.​

As a teaching hospice we are the destination for education across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes and provide a range of courses from introductory sessions to palliative care masterclasses and full study days throughout the year.

Education, training and learning and development sessions are provided both online and in person and cover an extensive array of topics for healthcare professionals working in end-of-life care and bereavement support. We also offer clinical student placements.

You don’t have to work in a healthcare profession to access our resources, take a look and see what’s available for you.

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Smiling Nurse with Elderly Patient
We’re committed to empowering health and social care professionals to deliver compassionate, high-quality care
Tracy Plunkett, Head of Learning Development & Research

Quality of Care

Headed by our Clinical Director and Deputy CEO Elaine Tolliday our specialist team of nurses, therapists, counsellors and doctors are here to offer the right support, when and where our patients need it most.

Our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who are responsible for regulating and inspecting voluntary and private health care organisations.

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Help fund our care

We believe specialist end-of-life care should be FREE and available for everyone. Over two-thirds of our funding comes from our local community and the sale of goods in our charity shops.

By donating today, you can ensure Keech is there for our community when they need us most.

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