Our activity groups

Our groups support people to manage their condition and remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible.

What do the activity groups offer?

Short walking – enabling patients by increasing confidence and outdoor mobility.

Who is it for?
Adults who can walk between 10–30 minutes with breaks and those who can demonstrate good standing, mobility and balance with or without an aid. All carers and partners are welcome to join.

What is it?
The group is led by Keech Hospice Care’s Rehab team and takes place amongst the hospice gardens.

How does it work?
Patients will have a one-to-one assessment with the Rehab team prior to joining. Offered in sessions of eight. Enjoy an outdoor walk year-round. There will be the opportunity for a hot drink and chat after the session. The walking group will move at a slow steady pace with stops as required.

Long walking – outdoor walking improves mood and reduces stress.

Who is it for?
Adults who can walk for 45 mins – 1hr with short seated breaks and those that can walk independently or with an aid outdoors (on uneven terrain and gradients). All carers and partners are welcome to join.

What is it?
The walking group is facilitated by Keech Hospice Care’s Rehab team and will help to:
• increase social engagement
• improve sleep hygiene
• develop a routine
• build confidence for independent outdoor mobility.

How does it work?
Patients will have a one-to-one assessment with the Rehab team prior to joining. Enjoy an outdoor walk year-round. There will be the opportunity for a hot drink and chat after the session.

Crafty gardening – inside and outdoor gardening and nature based activities to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

Who is it for?
All adults who are mobile or wheelchair bound. Carers and partners welcome. Patients who have been referred and spoken to a member of the Rehab Team before joining.

What is it?
A theme or activity is set each week, facilitated by our Rehab Team. Set in our wellbeing centre garden (weather permitting) or indoors. Opportunity for hot drink and social engagement after session.

What are some activity examples?
• bulb planting
• gardening related quizzes
• plant pot making and painting
• creating bird feeders
• seed planting.
You are welcome to take your plants and craft pieces home.

Stretch and balance – regular chair exercises help reduce risk of falls, improve circulation whilst keeping your joints and muscles active.

Who is it for?
Adults with the ability to follow instructions and complete lowmedium level, mainly chair based exercises.

What is it?
An exercise programme is led by Keech Hospice Care’s Rehab team and takes place at the hospice’s Wellbeing Centre. Enjoy some light exercise in a fun environment with a small group.

How does it work?
Patients will have a one-to-one assessment with the Rehab team prior to joining. Offered in sessions of eight. A post assessment will be completed once finishing the course.

Circuit exercise – a workout for your whole body.

Who is it for?
Adults who have a level of independent function.

What is it?
A circuit programme led by Keech Hospice Care’s Rehab. Takes place in a gym environment at the hospice’s Wellbeing Centre. The workout consists of various stations and exercises to target different parts of the body.

How does it work?
Patients will have a one-to-one assessment with the Rehab team prior to joining. Offered in sessions of eight. A post assessment will be completed once finishing the course.

Aquatic therapy – using the physical properties of water to assist in patient healing and exercise performance.

Who is it for?
Adults with the ability to follow instructions, that have a good level of independent function and are confident in water.

What is it?
A short warm up followed by a range of activities and exercises including joint mobilisation, muscle strengthening, cardiovascular and stamina work for the whole body within each person’s ability. Followed by a cool down.

How does it work?
Patients will have a one-toone assessment with the Aquatic Physiotherapist prior to joining. Offered in sessions of six.

How can I attend a group?

If you are a patient or a family member, friend or carer of a patient, you can self-refer. Alternatively, speak to your GP, consultant or specialist nurse and ask to be referred to us as a patient referral.

If you are a GP, consultant or specialist nurse, you should complete a Keech Hospice Care referral form, which can be downloaded here.