Music therapy

Music therapy could help your child:

    • Communicate issues that may be difficult or confusing
    • Communicate thoughts and feelings, without the need for words
    • Think about loss
    • Explore a sense of identification
    • Be supported emotionally
    • Be creative and expressive
    • Make choices or take control
    • Share and interact
    • Encourage physical movement

Who can benefit from music therapy?

Everyone! We can support your whole family, friends and carers as well as your child. We might even encourage you to take part with your child as this time spent together – where the main focus is not a medical one – is often refreshing. Brothers and sisters can also benefit from having their own music therapy sessions, too.

Where does it take place?

At the hospice, schools and patient’s homes.
We have a whole room full of musical instruments for you to choose from, including electric and acoustic guitars, piano, a drum kit and xylophone.

Music therapy room Keech Hospice Care

But what if you can’t play an instrument?

Don’t worry – you don’t need to. In a music therapy session, the focus is on improvising, so there are no set rules or pieces of music to practice. Sessions can include writing songs, making music CDs, singing, family work, memory making and simply listening to music.

Who takes the session?

Our music therapist, who is accredited by the British Association of Music Therapy and registered with the Health Professional Council.

How do I find out more?

If your child is currently being supported by us, please speak to a member of staff or contact our music therapist on 01582 492339 or email
